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Thursday, September 15, 2011


I really believe that if every American spent about ten minutes on this website, What the Fuck Has Obama Done So Far, we would be less prone to irate outbursts of hatred and following others' condemning opinions like docile little sheep.  I mean, come on!  The man is a legislative powerhouse. 

Taken as single accomplishments, I can easily understand why his political efficacy can be challenged.  I mean, who cares about reversing the "global gag rule" to allow U.S. aid to organizations regardless of whether they provide abortions?  I don't have a job, I need money, and the economy is pretty far from ideal at the moment.  The global gag rule is not really of primary concern in my life at the moment.

Taken not even as a whole (that would be too overwhelming for me), but in many bite-sized tidbits provided by What the Fuck Has Obama Done So Far, it is clear to me that our President prioritizes a lot of values that I myself hold dear.  And he has tirelessly worked to put those values, goals, and ideals into action through legislative change. 

Some of the feats are almost unimaginable - like giving the FDA the authority to regulate the manufacturing, marketing, and sale of tobacco for the first time (Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act), or improving average fuel economy standards (35.5 mpg starting in 2016).

I worked on the campaign in 2008, but I am not a die hard supporter of Obama.  In my opinion, he needs to prove himself over and over - the presidency certainly isn't a position that allows for inaction.  By frequently investigating the man and his work, however, I remain assured that he is acting with the best interests of ALL Americans in mind.  And I really, really like his grassroots funding and insistence on transparency.  

Also check out and for two thought-provoking websites (brought to you by our President).

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